Daily reasons to quit your job and go your own way
Because your work is not your own
Often you’re told to work on things you’d never work on if it were up to you. You don’t believe in these things. You don’t believe that bringing them into the world makes it a better place. If it were up to you, this work would never be done.
Sometimes you’re told to work on things you do believe in, but in a way you’d never do it if it were up to you. You know that there’s a better way of doing it. You know that you could make the world a better place if you could do it your way. If it were up to you, this work would be so much more worthwhile.
Occasionally, you’re told to work on things you believe in, and trusted to do it your own way. What you create is extraordinary. You’re convinced that it will make the world a better place. Your boss congratulates you, but doesn’t back what you’ve created. Your work never makes it out into the world.
Your work is not your own.
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