Daily reasons to quit your job and go your own way
Because work-life balance is a nonense
The phrase “work-life balance” suggests that work and life are opposites.
This is obviously not true. It’s not as if you die when you go to work in the morning, then come back to life when you go home in the evening. If that’s the way it feels, you need to quit right now.
The phrase “work-life balance” seems to concede that work is antithetical to life. It suggests that time spent at work is time subtracted from life.
This is true only for the most dismal work. If your work is antithetical to your life, if the time you spend at work is time subtracted from your life, you need to quit right now.
There’s no need for balance. If you’re working your true work and living your true life, work and life aren’t in opposition.
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