How to negotiate a higher salary
on your way to Coast FIRE
A from Growing Her Wealth
A from Growing Her Wealth is totally on top of her finances at the age of 27.
She’s aiming for Coast FIRE by the age of 30.
By then, she’ll have fully funded her retirement accounts, so that she can look forward to a comfortable retirement at the age of 65.
In the meantime, she’ll have bought herself the freedom to work in roles that might not pay so much but are more fulfilling.
How did she get here?
Through such strategies as investing, exploring side hustles, negotiating her salary, and switching jobs to increase her salary still further.
If you haven’t renegotiated your salary recently, you really need to hear A’s advice on growing your wealth!
You can follow A on Instagram @growingherwealth where she shares inspiring personal financial updates.
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A from Growing Her Wealth
on The Quit Work Podcast
A from Growing Her Wealth
on The Quit Work Podcast
A from Growing Her Wealth
on The Quit Work Podcast
A from Growing Her Wealth
on The Quit Work Podcast
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