Episode #019

Reaching financial independence
without realizing it

The Dragons on FIRE

The Dragons on FIRE


5 June 2022

The Dragons on FIRE are a couple living in the United States, both born in the year of the Dragon.

Dragon Gal has been retired almost five years and Dragon Guy for two-and-a-half years, even though they’re only in their forties.

And here’s the kicker: they reached financial independence without even knowing it!

We went deep into the personal side of financial independence and retiring early: the relationship between health and wealth, how to design a career that allows you to travel, how to deal with guilt, loneliness and sadness in early retirement, and how to handle suddenly spending so much more time together as a couple after early retirement.

You can connect with The Dragons on FIRE on their web site thedragonsonfire.com and you can follow them on Twitter @DragonGuyAndGal.


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“Something about turning forty made me say: is this going to be the rest of my life?”

The Dragons on FIRE

on The Quit Work Podcast

“We just invested from the beginning, every month, through the ups and the downs”

The Dragons on FIRE

on The Quit Work Podcast

“The stock market did what it’s supposed to do: compounding worked”

The Dragons on FIRE

on The Quit Work Podcast

“I found FIRE in February, and I quit at the end of June”

The Dragons on FIRE

on The Quit Work Podcast

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The Quit Work Project is brought to you by Kootenay Village Ventures Inc.