Episode #013

$1m by 30, $7m by 45:
start early, aim high

Jay Millennial

Jay Millennial


6 April 2022

Jay Millennial is aiming to retire from his cybersecurity career with a net worth of $7m by the age of 45.

And if you think that sounds ambitious, you should know that he’s already reached a net worth of $1m and he’s not even 30 yet!

Jay and I talk about why he focuses on earning more rather than spending less, why other people who earn as much as he does don’t seem interested in financial independence, and why he’s not ready to quit work yet.

Follow Jay on Instagram @jaymillennial for consistently engaging financial posts!


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“The more people earn, the more people spend... I’m different”

Jay Millennial

on The Quit Work Podcast

“Focusing on financial independence... has made me very intentional about what I do”

Jay Millennial

on The Quit Work Podcast

“I was focused on: happy later, happy later, happy later; but now... I’m thinking: happy now, happy now, happy now”

Jay Millennial

on The Quit Work Podcast

“Financial independence has changed for me: I’m not living like a pauper any more”

Jay Millennial

on The Quit Work Podcast

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The Quit Work Project is brought to you by Kootenay Village Ventures Inc.