Episode #010

Quitting a big fancy titled job
to go back to working small

Rob Santoro

Rob Santoro


16 March 2022

Rob Santoro’s employer went from dynamic startup to multinational corporation.

So he quit his big fancy titled job to go back to working with small businesses.

We talk about how he handled the loss of status and salary going from working in a big business to starting his own small business.

And we talk about how he financed it, by forgoing expensive houses, cars and gadgets.

You can connect with Rob on Twitter @robertsantoro or at rob-santoro.com, and check out his new business Dization.

The articles he wrote on Indie Hackers are:

Gave up a large salary to bootstrap my own business

How I saved enough money to take three years off


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“Am I the crazy one here because I’m not enjoying what I think so many people would love to get to?”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

“Every day was a struggle to get up. I wasn’t getting anything done. I felt very mindless”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

“I can’t believe I have this title and they pay me this amount of money to basically do nothing”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

“The easy path would have been staying; the much harder path was: I’m going to try something on my own”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

“Prior to quitting, I felt like I was on auto-pilot, I was just doing the same thing over and over again”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

“Life was moving fast... all of a sudden I was in my late thirties, and I said: what have I done?”

Rob Santoro

on The Quit Work Podcast

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The Quit Work Project is brought to you by Kootenay Village Ventures Inc.