Episode #006

From teacher to entrepreneur:
putting family first

Jennifer Cao

Jennifer Cao


16 February 2022

Jennifer Cao’s parents came to America from Vietnam, and worked hard to raise five children.

They put a lot of emphasis on education as a path to a better life.

So Jenn became a teacher, until she realised that she was giving herself up so much to her kids at work that she had too little left for her own kids at home.

Now she and her husband are building a business around his chiropractice, as well as selling onesies on Etsy and raising their young children.

We talk about the tensions between work and family, and the hard realities of starting a business.

You can connect with Jenn on Instagram @coffeeandjenn and check out her Etsy store CoffeeandJenn.


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“We knew that we didn’t want to do the 9-to-5 forever”

Jennifer Cao

on The Quit Work Podcast

“From the start, we’ve always saved: we saved for our house, we saved for our wedding”

Jennifer Cao

on The Quit Work Podcast

“As much as I loved my job, it just really burnt me out really quickly”

Jennifer Cao

on The Quit Work Podcast

“I knew I couldn’t give my all and be a great teacher as well as a great mother”

Jennifer Cao

on The Quit Work Podcast

“I didn’t think it was fair that he had to work and not be able to watch his kid grow”

Jennifer Cao

on The Quit Work Podcast

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The Quit Work Project is brought to you by Kootenay Village Ventures Inc.